I drew from my far reaching memories: a  life of beauty, camaraderie, jungle vibes and bright colors I was so fortunate to have, in Venezuela.  I thought about the children who are in need today and their hardworking , oftentimes single-mothers. I thought about their wishes and dreams, and visited mine.


There is a separate and specifically different, entire culture just for Christmas in Venezuela. Food, dance and music ( along with musical instruments ), switch for the whole month of December. We dance and listen to gaitas, with tambora de gaita marabina ( el cuero ! ), furruco y cencerro and make and eat hallacas y pan de jamón in a tight family setting.


I think it is the velocity in culture, that separates us. If we are willing to connect, then we can mind the gap, tend to it.


Not at all long ago, we were in Choroni,   heading to Chuao by peñero, which takes about one hour holding to dear life on the spiky sea. The young fisherman had brought his little nephew with him . What is your name? Amanartis he said .

“I am an artist”.  

©pilita garcia 2023